Significant This Week
A King Indeed?

A King Indeed?

Of course, just recently the world witnessed the coronation of King Charles III. Maybe you watched some of it? There is nothing like a little pomp and circumstance.

As you know, and this is no disrespect, the new King is largely a figurehead. It is comforting to know he is around. It is nice to have him show up at big events. But he holds no real power or influence for daily life. He is somewhat anachronistic.

Having said that, take a few minutes and reflect on another king: King Jesus. For far too many he too is little more than a figurehead. It is nice to know he is around and invoke his name at big events, but we don’t really look to him to do much or impact our lives. The Apostle Paul warned Timothy about people who have an appearance of godliness but deny its power. That is the same sort of issue with looking on Jesus as a mere spiritual figurehead, an anachronism.

Three quick questions:

  • What would it look like if Jesus really was king in your life?
  • Does it look like that?
  • If Jesus is not the acting king in your life, who is?

Maybe one more question– and it is a long one:

  • Have you forgotten that Jesus turned water into wine, fed the masses, gave sight to the blind, cleansed the leper, taught the children, amazed the crowds, stopped a persistent bleeding, raised a daughter, a son and a friend from the dead, healed a paralytic, cast out demons, washed the disciples’ feet, prayed for his people, forgave sins, died on the cross for your sins (as the prophets predicted), rose on the third day as the first fruit from the dead (as the prophets predicted), has ascended on high, filled you with his Holy Spirit, is interceding for you right now and will one day return to take you to glory?

The latest King Charles is the third king of England that has gone by the name Charles and is one of 62 monarchs that have ruled that nation. There are 42 other nations that are ruled in some fashion by a monarch. They all have lesser or greater power. Ultimately, all have limited power… for each is mortal.

Only one King reigns with power, love, righteousness, wisdom forever. He is no figurehead. He is no anachronism.

He is Jesus and desires to reign in your life. Really.

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