
My friend’s wife is Jenn*. My friend and I have known each other a long time. I am not sure I have ever met his wife. But I have heard of her. My friend and Jenn are faithful followers of Jesus. They are very active and involved in their local congregation. They are well known in their community. In addition […]

Seeing an Ear

You should have seen it. Perfect. Beautiful. Ridges were just right. Properly proportioned. Warm to the touch. Wiggle-able. Even a little fuzz. An amazing ear. The five-day old ear of our latest granddaughter had me mesmerized as I held her. There was a lot to behold, but it was the ear that caught my eye. The ear wasn’t developing. It […]

One of Thousands

There must have been thousands of commencement addresses given across the country in the last few weeks with more coming in early June. I was invited to give one at Concordia University Ann Arbor earlier in May. It was based on some other writing I had done. I share it with you here. Congratulations. This is a big day. A […]

The Tip of the Iceberg

Every school kid knows that the tip of an iceberg represents only 10% of its size. There is more there than meets the eye. Every parent of a school kid knows that when a kid admits to doing something wrong, he is only revealing about 10% of what actually happened. Likewise pastors and others who counsel know that presenting problems […]

Another Daily Prayer

Do you have set prayers you use every day? Many Christians through the ages have prayed The Lord’s Prayer daily. Assorted table prayers are offered up daily. A common one is “Bless us, Oh Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen” The so called “Serenity Prayer” is a […]

That’s Saying Something

Don’t you like a good line? A good phrase? Something with a little punch? G. K. Chesterton was famous for such things. C. S. Lewis too. Mark Twain, Will Rogers, and Yogi Berra had a flare with language and witticisms. They could all say a lot with just a few words. A reader might respond, “Wow, that’s saying something.” This […]

On Margins

(This is a repost of a note that should be of help at the start of a New Year. It is also part of my Leadership Pathway, a leadership development system, that will prepare younger people for leadership in your congregation or organization. Email me if you would like more information about it.) Leave some room around the edges. Margins […]

Let Advent Linger

Don’t be in a hurry to get through Advent and onto Christmas. This year Advent is as short as it can get; the Fourth Sunday in Advent is Christmas Eve. In a sense the calendar is hurrying us through Advent to get on to Christmas. We lose a whole week of Adventide. Let Advent linger. Linger on the Advent of […]

Deeply At Home in Jesus?

Check out how often in John’s Gospel Jesus invites us to abide in him or in his word. Actually, both are the same thing: to abide in Jesus is to abide in his word. When Jesus invites us to abide, he is inviting us to be deeply at home in him. (You should hear the word “abode” in “abide”.) Recently, […]

A God Wink

We get them once in a while. They are little reminders from our King that he really is. Yesterday I sent an overdue note to a friend of mine who had had a major life change. The note was just to check in. There was a free moment as I sat in an airport waiting for a plane home. The […]