On Shoes

Wear nice ones.  This is especially important for Holy Communion services.  When people come forward to receive the Sacrament, they are not quite sure where to look.  Many think it is too proud to look up, even if they are looking up to the cross.  They won’t close their eyes for fear of missing the Sacrament as the celebrant distributes […]

New For This Week

Beginning this week on Fridays I plan to share something particularly significant from the week as it draws to a close. Shouldn’t be hard to find something this week!

On Reading

Read lots. Reading is to the brain what eating is to the body. One of the best ways to read lots is to read a little everyday.  Over the course of a forty-five year ministry if you read a little bit every day it will add up to lots! Read the Bible.  Aggressively. Plan to make it through the entire […]

On Selective Neglect

This post follows both logically and necessarily the last two topics. Use this tool carefully.  But use it.  Sometimes good enough is. Sometimes you must let some things go. You cannot attend every meeting.  You cannot make every visit that could be made.  You cannot read every book or journal.  You cannot do it all. You cannot. You are a […]

On Working Hard

As stated before, being a pastor is hard work.  Wise men approach hard work by working hard.  Also as stated before, if you are looking for a forty hour a week job that can be left at the office each evening, you should look for something else. Through the years I have attended many “church growth” conferences and read plenty […]

On Hard Work

I don’t know for sure because I have never had another one, but a pastor’s job looks to be one of the hardest jobs there is.  So far as I have observed the only tougher one may be a homemaker! It used to amuse me when people would say to me, “Boy, I would not want your job.”  Now it […]

On Smiling

In your seminary training you learned deep and weighty truths.  You studied serious and challenging topics. This topic might not seem to fit in those categories.  But it does.  It is a deep and weighty truth.  I am serious about it, and it is challenging. Smile.  God really does love you.  Really. Yes, you have a lot going on.  Plenty […]

On Manners

Please use them.  You represent the King of Kings.  Mind your manners.  Be polite.  It is never right to be rude. Here are a few to keep in mind: Take your hat off inside, unless you are a lady, although even ladies should not wear “men’s hats” (like ball caps) indoors.Be on time for your appointments or call to let […]

On Tithing

Tithe on the gross to your local congregation.  You cannot buy better financial advice than this.  Money grips us in its hold more than we know.  You don’t have to be rich, and as a pastor you probably won’t be, to worship money.  Financial status does not drive the worship of money.  Sometimes in fact poor people worship it more […]

On Prayer

Pray a lot. Prayer is one of the great responsibilities of the pastor, publically and privately.  It is one of the “roll up your sleeves” duties.  It is not a mere formality to start and end a day, a meeting or a meal. God gave great promises about prayer. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you […]