A Four-Letter Word

Earlier this week a speaker opined that the Church should be known for hospitality and not hostility. Certainly. Agreed. And that is a problem because as the Church continues to live out its life in this alien world it often is moved toward hostility. We fight against this. We fight against that. We fight against outsiders. Sometimes, we fight against […]

No Zucchini

We are thinking about planting a garden in our backyard. Gardening has never been my strong suit, but we might give it a try. We have talked about what to plant. While we have not decided what all we will plant, I know we will not plant any zucchini. Here is the problem with planting zucchini: if you plant zucchini, […]

That’s Interesting…

Are you a news junkie? Do you like to read non-fiction books? Are you a fan of podcasts? There is a ton of information out there. How do you filter it? Do you filter it based on the source? “You know those Republicans.” “You know those Democrats.” “Well, that’s the CNN crowd.” “Well, what do you expect from the talking […]

Pick Up the Tab

From time to time people talk about picking up the tab for someone else as an expression of the Gospel. Maybe you leave a $20 bill in the drive through at Chick-fil A for the car behind you. You ask the waitress to put the cost of the bottle of wine for that young couple at the other table who […]

Name One

Through the course of ministry at times someone has come up to me and said, “Everyone thinks that this or that is a bad idea.” This report often comes from a self-appointed champion of the way “things ought to be done.” A good retort to such a report is, “Name one.” (The punch line is that normally the only one […]

Go Team!

Getting ready for vacation was an adventure with four kids, a boat and a dog. Groceries. Clothes. Toys. Don’t forget this. Make sure we pack that. Once all was stowed, everything was crammed into place, all were accounted for, a prayer of thanks offered up and the car was pulling out of the driveway, a little cheer would go up. […]

A Good Book?

I am working through a book that has surprised me. It has me thinking more than I thought it would. Don’t you love books like that? The book is the Language and the Pursuit of Happiness by Chalmers Brothers. The author teases out the impact that language has on life. While it started out a little slow, the author worked […]

On Living Daily in the Shadow of Eternity

Try this. Go visit a really old cemetery, the older the better. Walk around. Read some of the dates if you can still make them out. Notice the inscriptions. Check out other adjoining grave stones. Do you see some with Christian markings? This is not intended to be a morbid activity. In fact, besides reading the Bible, it may prepare […]

On Supporting Your Pastor

While I would never say that being a pastor is the hardest job in the world, I would certainly assert it is not an easy one. It is also one that, when done well, becomes a great blessing to many. Hebrews 13:17 speaks about supporting your pastor. Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over […]

On Incremental Living

Do you want to see 100% improvement in life? Instead of trying to do one thing 100% better do 100 things 1% better. The math does not work– the approach does. Where do you want to be when you are 80? Too often we only think such a thought in terms of money. What about health? What about family? What about […]