Go Team!

Getting ready for vacation was an adventure with four kids, a boat and a dog. Groceries. Clothes. Toys. Don’t forget this. Make sure we pack that. Once all was stowed, everything was crammed into place, all were accounted for, a prayer of thanks offered up and the car was pulling out of the driveway, a little cheer would go up. […]

A Good Book?

I am working through a book that has surprised me. It has me thinking more than I thought it would. Don’t you love books like that? The book is the Language and the Pursuit of Happiness by Chalmers Brothers. The author teases out the impact that language has on life. While it started out a little slow, the author worked […]

On Living Daily in the Shadow of Eternity

Try this. Go visit a really old cemetery, the older the better. Walk around. Read some of the dates if you can still make them out. Notice the inscriptions. Check out other adjoining grave stones. Do you see some with Christian markings? This is not intended to be a morbid activity. In fact, besides reading the Bible, it may prepare […]

On Supporting Your Pastor

While I would never say that being a pastor is the hardest job in the world, I would certainly assert it is not an easy one. It is also one that, when done well, becomes a great blessing to many. Hebrews 13:17 speaks about supporting your pastor. Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over […]

On Incremental Living

Do you want to see 100% improvement in life? Instead of trying to do one thing 100% better do 100 things 1% better. The math does not work– the approach does. Where do you want to be when you are 80? Too often we only think such a thought in terms of money. What about health? What about family? What about […]

On Weekly Worship

Do you plan to worship this Sunday?* What goes into that determination? Is it a foregone conclusion that when Sunday comes you will be found in worship? Or do you weigh things before you make your way to worship? Do the kids have a game this Sunday?Is the press of yardwork or shopping greater?Has it been a long week and […]

On Being Positive

There are two ways to understand this characteristic. Let’s consider both. “Being positive” can mean “being absolutely sure about something.” When you are absolutely sure about something, be kind.  If you know you are right about something and someone else is wrong, be gentle.  Be humble.  Ephesians 4:15 teaches, “Speak the truth in love.” When you are absolutely sure about something, […]

On Aiming Higher

A clear memory from my youth was my dad saying, “Aim high. You might hit the outhouse wall, but dust yourself off and aim higher again.” Too often in life we aim too low. Aim higher. Aim higher than happiness and fun. People talk about these ad nauseam. We measure all too much of life by how happy something makes […]

On Volume and Distance

Conflict abounds. This side rages against that side. Make signs. Post tweets. Getting even morphs into getting ahead. My side wins; your side loses. It has been a long time since John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band sang, “All we are saying is give peace a chance.” We Christians serve the Prince of Peace, he who said, “Blessed are […]

On Reading

Read lots. One of the best ways to read lots is to read a little bit every day. Over the course of sixty or seventy years if you read a little bit every day, it will add up to lots! Read the Bible. Aggressively. Plan to make it through the entire Bible at least once a year. While this is […]