Toward Significance

As pastors and leaders, we want to achieve fulfillment in life by making a significant contribution to the Kingdom through our congregation.

But there are some things that get in the way. Some we can control, and others we cannot. To recognize these and understand how to overcome them is the difference between finding significance in ministry or the malaise of treading water.

Things like:

  • Bad personal habits
  • The imbalance between work and family
  • Satanic curveballs
  • Quirks and foibles of parishioners, and
  • The challenges of organizational structure

It IS possible with attention to common sense, practical practices and achievable habits to lead a ministry of significance with any size congregation.


Lives up to its glowing reviews--highly recommended

“The author often says much with a few words. I found the book to be very practical and enjoyable to read. At the same time it was insightful. It covered so many perspectives from personal devotional life, to family, to relationships within the church, to relationships with those outside the congregation. The common denominator in each section is the difference Jesus makes. I have only read it myself recently, but I could picture its group discussion pieces could also be well used with other pastors or with leaders in the church. I hope to use it in groups soon. Whether you are the only one to read it, or if you share it with a group, you will not be disappointed.” – Robert Riggs

Ministry that matters and a life well-lived result from lots of the small, right things done well over a long time. That’s the well-worn path toward significance.

Meet the Author

David A. Davis has been a pastor for over 35 years, serving in normal size churches.

Along the way, he has planted churches, initiated ministries and worked in a cross cultural setting. His areas of special interest include coaching pastors, congregational organization, leading effective meetings and moving ministry forward.

Dave plays a little tuba and not very good golf. He and his wife, Sallie, have four daughters and two granddaughters.


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So you want to be a GREAT Pastor - A must read!

While “Towards Significance” is a book about serious topics Pastor Davis writes in a delicately light and even humorous way. I thoroughly enjoyed the way he treated his topics. He writes with intelligence and wisdom. Along with Bo Giertz’s book, “The Hammer of God”, I would highly recommend this book to all pastors as they start their pastoral ministries. It provides not only practical information but also topics of critical importance. There is an old saying about football, “Guard the ball.” In eighteen years of pastoral ministry I have reminded myself and fellow pastors to “Guard the Pastoral Office.” Satan wants to destroy what Jesus has done in the redemption of humanity through His cross. Pastors are primary targets.

I have seen too many brothers be carless in their life and ministries and as a result bring suffering and pain to themselves their families and their churches. This need not be. “Guard the Office.” Towards Significance will help new and well-seasoned pastors do this.

I HIGHLY recommend Pastor David Davis’ book, “Towards Significance, A Guide for Pastoring Well.” – Pastor Mark Berlin, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Interlochen, MI

Who is Toward Significance for?

Pastors of Normal-Sized Churches

If you lead a congregation and know the families and spend time with your parishioners


For leaders (elders, church governance members) to read with and discuss with their pastor

Young Pastors

This book is especially helpful for younger pastors just beginning their pastoral journey

Struggling Pastors

If you struggle in your ministry, this book will help be a guide
