Following the Science: A Bible Study

…of sorts…

This past week I finished reading (listening to) Adam Grant’s book Give and Take.  It’s not a new book, but it was new to me.

The subtitle is Why Helping Others Drives Our Success.

Grant begins with a very compelling discussion about who is most likely to succeed in life:  givers, takers or matchers.  There is a great twist at the beginning and lots of fascinating personal stories through the remainder.  You will learn something about Michael Jordan you never knew.  You will come away with practical ideas on how you can be more successful. 

It really is a terrific and inspiring book about being a giver in life instead of a taker.  You can’t help but be moved by it. I heartily recommend it!

Fundamentally, it is a scientific study that proves the truth of what Jesus told the Apostle Paul, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” You will not find a better commentary on Acts 20:35. 

Grant’s book serves as a great… Bible study. Congregations and Bible study groups would be well served to study and apply it.

It turns out that the science corroborates the Bible.  (Again.)  Or to make the point another way, the Bible is true, it just sometimes takes science a while to catch up with it.

We hear a lot these days about “following the science.”  If “science” is a synonym for truth, which may be more of a pious wish than a reality, then of course we Christians are all for it.  In fact, we can get a jump on following the science by starting with the the Bible! 

And where the two do not match, let’s be patient with the science. Give it time. In the end it will catch up Bible; that’s how Truth works.

That seems significant to me this week.  What seems significant to you?