On Pastoral Significance
On Shoes

On Shoes

Wear nice ones. 

This is especially important for Holy Communion services.  When people come forward to receive the Sacrament, they are not quite sure where to look.  Many think it is too proud to look up, even if they are looking up to the cross.  They won’t close their eyes for fear of missing the Sacrament as the celebrant distributes it.  This leaves one thing on which to train eyes during the distribution: the pastor’s shoes. 

And you’ll want to make sure they are polished. 

Wear nice socks, too.  Some day you may be out making a visit, and your host may ask you to remove your shoes, nicely polished as they are.

Nice does not have to be expensive.

I have become friends with some pastors who were trained in Africa.  Their training included a course in hygiene.  American seminaries might want to think that through.  Things like brushed teeth, regular showers, use of deodorant, un-rumpled shirts… and nice, polished shoes will (more than you might realize) lead toward significance.

Don’t let the length of this post confuse you about its importance. More than shoes are afoot.

(What was your most favorite pair of shoes ever?)