Significant This Week
Significant This Week:  Assorted Thoughts for Thinking

Significant This Week: Assorted Thoughts for Thinking


In any number of publications, you will find articles about a so called “god gene.”  Scientists think they are finding evidence that there is a genetic predisposition toward being “religious.” 

What do you think about that? 

Is there a “religious gene” because religiousness at some point was advantageous for the human race?  Is it from a mutation?  Is it a characteristic that is no longer useful so it is being bred out of our species?

Or could it be that when God created the human race he created it in such a way that it (the human race) would inherently know him because it was in fact related to him?  Was it part of his design so that we would desire to walk with him, have a natural desire for him? Is this part of what is entailed when God says, “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD.  They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart?”  (Jeremiah 24:7) Is the fact (if indeed it is a fact) that the gene today is less influential than in previous times not because of evolution but because of The Fall?

As an aside, I believe that the more we learn about genetics, the more we will see the hand of our Creator.


Hopefully you pray much and regularly. You seek God’s guidance and direction. You seek his forgiveness and blessings. It is good for the people of God to pray.

But have you ever thought that you could be an answer to prayer? Are you someone’s answer to prayer for a sympathetic ear?  Are you someone’s answer to prayer for help in learning math or science or the English language?  Are you someone’s answer to prayer for financial assistance?  Are you someone’s answer to prayer for help at work?

God answers prayers. Not only does he answer ours, but he may use us to answer another’s. Are you an answer to someone’s prayers?


Fasting is one of the customs of Lent. People “give something up” for Lent.

This is an ancient and helpful spiritual practice. Fasting, going without food for a specified period of time (often people fast from sun up to sun down), serves to focus our attention on God and break our dependence on the world.

Fasting is not:

  • A hunger strike aimed at exerting power or
  • A diet aimed at weight reduction.

Fasting is:

  • Connected with repentance,
  • Connected with increased prayer, and
  • Connected with contemplation of God.

Why not try fasting as part of your Lenten experience? What does it mean when Jesus quotes Deuteronomy, “Man does not live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord?”

Lent is a good time to find out.