On Clothes

… for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ… If we are clothed in Christ, does it matter what else we wear? This may surprise you, but pastors talk a lot about what they should wear. Some wear a robe in worship; others don’t. Some wear casual clothes all the time; some wear dress […]

Thinking This Week

SHHHH… Let me encourage you to turn off everything and spend some time in peace and quiet: no TV, no iPad, no Pandora, no Netflix. I remember studying spiritual disciplines with some friends. We talked about the usual topics: Bible reading, fasting, prayer, tithing and the like. Then we talked about silence.  Have you noticed how little of it there […]

On Selective Neglect

When it comes to boundary management, selective neglect is a crucial club. Use this carefully. But use it. Sometimes good enough is. Sometimes you must let some things go. You cannot attend every meeting. You cannot make every game. You cannot read every book or journal. You cannot do it all. You cannot. You are a follower in the Lord’s […]

On Drinking

This is a touchy topic. But it is one that must be touched. By drinking, I do not mean the ubiquitous water bottle. I mean alcohol. Beer. Wine. Liquor. Make no mistake; alcohol is a gift from God. Jesus’ first miracle provided wine, a lot of it. Wine is at the heart of our sacramental union with Christ. It is […]

Thinking This Week

WHAT AILS OUR LAND? We hear more and more people calling for justice. Certainly, I am all for justice. So is God! After all that’s why he sent Jesus. But what if we focused on grace instead? What if YOU focused on grace instead? Jesus did so above all things. AND THIS This wouldn’t hurt either. Concentrate on WE instead […]

On Outlines

Think in outlines.  To consistently communicate well, think in outlines. Proper application of this note will have wide ranging application to all kinds of communication. The skill you learned back in fourth grade will carry you through communication in every area of your life. Outlines force better organization and sharper points. Outline everything. I first came across this “outlining insight” […]