Significant This Week
Let Advent Linger

Let Advent Linger

Don’t be in a hurry to get through Advent and onto Christmas. This year Advent is as short as it can get; the Fourth Sunday in Advent is Christmas Eve. In a sense the calendar is hurrying us through Advent to get on to Christmas. We lose a whole week of Adventide.

Let Advent linger.

Linger on the Advent of Christ in history. Linger on all of the prophesies that lead up to “To you is born this day in the City of David, a Savior who is Christ the Lord.” What is your favorite prophecy? How many prophecies of the coming of Jesus through Mary in Bethlehem can you identify?

What a wonder that the whole Old Testament prophetical schemata comes into focus in that baby. Hundreds and hundreds of prophecies come true in the Christ Child.

Let’s not hurry through that.

Linger on the Advent of Christ today through Word and Sacrament. Jesus really does come to his people now, today, this moment. Christ conceived, born, suffered, crucified, died, buried, raised, ascended and seated at the right hand of the Father comes to be with his people today. Jesus, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords meets with us to forgive, cleanse, renew. He is here to give us power and protection, wisdom and direction.

Let’s not hurry through that.

Linger on the ultimate Advent, the return of Christ in glory. He is coming back. Soon and very soon. He is coming back and those who are in him will be safe forever. Those who are not in him will be lost. The existence of the heavens and earth in which we now reside will pass away and be replaced with new heavens and a new earth. This reality chases away fear and pride. This reality serves to save us from distraction from the present world and an urgency to reach the people of it that they might experience the coming one.

Let’s not hurry through that.

People talk about Christmas in July and how every Sunday is a mini-Easter. We want to stretch out those high points in the Church Year. All good. But let’s not hurry through Advent. The “various Advents of the King” shape our confidence, our action, and our hope.

Christmas arrives (from a liturgical calendar point of view) early this year. And before you know it we will push through Epiphany and Lent and be on to Easter. Slow down in these final days of the Advent Season for contemplation and prayer.

Let Advent linger.