On Suiting Up
Thigh pads, shoulder pads, cleats and a helmet. Tuxedo, tie and dress shoes. Weighted boots, oxygen supply, pressurized suit. Scrubs, gloves, mask. To get ready to play football, perform in an orchestra, fly to the moon or conduct surgery requires getting suited up.
Getting suited up for the mission of God consists in putting on the panoply of God, the whole armor.
Make no mistake as a Christian daily the powers and principalities of this dark world war against you. Satan and his evil cohort stand to thwart the advance of God’s kingdom through you. Generally, but not always, the battle that surrounds you is unseen, but it surrounds you none the less. To be a spiritual leader at home, work and in the congregation, you need intentionally to prepare for battle.
Many make the mistake of not realizing this truth. They greet the day unarmed and therefore unprepared to do battle. Satan’s victory comes far too easily.
It does not have to be that way for you. God invites you to get ready for action.
Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:10-11
Take careful note of the language. To experience protection from this armor necessitates both attention and intention. It doesn’t happen automatically. If you want to be ready for the day ahead and the Devil’s schemes, then daily and intentionally strap on the armor.
The Belt of Truth: I have become convinced that this is not disconnected from a chastity belt. Read Proverbs 7-9. Proverbs contrasts wisdom/knowledge/truth with sexual immorality. The essence of foolishness according to those chapters is adultery, having sex with someone who is not your spouse. The truth of God’s word guard’s foolish urges, especially in regards to sexuality. Knowing and believing God’s truth tames our urges.
The Breastplate of Righteousness: People desire justification, validation. They desire to be valued and appreciated. Maslow identified this sort of desire as the desire for self-actualization. You already have all that in Jesus. You have been justified, declared righteous. You do not need to seek the approval of others. The breastplate of righteousness, the conviction that you are already “alright,” covers your heart from desiring justification, validation from the world. It gives you freedom and confidence. The Apostle Paul in Romans 8:31 queries, “If God is for me, who can be against me?” (Answer: no one)
The Footwear of the Gospel: God’s gospel brings peace to the disturbed, the discouraged and the disappointed. To put on the footwear of the Gospel makes you prepared and eager throughout the day to engage with people who need both good news and The Good News. To put on such footwear declares to God and yourself, “I am ready today to serve, to bless, to love.”
The Helmet of Salvation: Helmets cover the noggin. They keep the ability to think safe. Keep in mind that you are safe in Jesus. No matter what happens in the world, you are safe. No matter what happens at work, you are safe. No matter what happens in your health or finances, you are safe. Fear clouds clear thinking. Let your mind be covered with the conviction that you are safe. Such conviction will help you act in fearless confidence.
The Shield of Faith: Satan throws all kinds of junk at us. Anger. Suspicion. Doubt. Greed. The shield of faith helps us react against such projectiles. It protects us from lust, laziness and lying. When we sense such flaming arrows, we lift the shield and can say to Satan, “None of that will land on me.” The Christian faith shields our reactions to the most subtle temptations of the Evil One.
The Sword of the Spirit: This is the word of God, the only offensive piece of armor listed. If we want to advance against the kingdom of darkness, we can move forward and gain ground through God’s word. This means reading it. This means knowing it. This means believing it. This means practicing it.
Do you want to be ready for action on the path toward significance? Daily determine to have your
- Urges, especially sexual ones, shaped by God’s truth,
- Desires for justifying your existence covered by God’s righteousness,
- Actions focused on bringing Good News of peace to people,
- Thinking protected from fear because of your safety in Jesus,
- Reactions to Satan’s tricks shielded by the Christian faith, and
- Interactions grow out of God’s word.
So today and every day hence prayerfully strap it on, and you’ll be readied for action as you venture the path toward significance.