Significant This Week
Short and Sweet

Short and Sweet

Are you a fan of long books? I am part of a reading group that has met for many years. When my one friend has a turn to pick, the next selection is sure to be a long one. I bet he has read The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; I never even tried.

Often when our group reads a book the reaction is, “That’s a good term paper carried out too long in a book.” As you know, some books go on and on. Think War and Peace (which I have never read) and Atlas Shrugged (which I have read).  Indeed many times when it comes to books, short is sweet.

Sometimes for me the title is enough. I once read a book entitled The No Asshole Rule. You don’t need more than the title for that one. I’ll bet the same is true of the book (I have not read) Diet or Die: The Dolly Dimples Weight Reducing Plan. Most of her point must be right there. My favorite book title that says just about everything the book will cover already in the title itself is It Takes So Little to Be Above Average.

The same is true of a recent read. The book is Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork. The point of the book is really contained right there in the title. When you are trying to do more things, bigger and better, concentrate on the “who’s” you have involved not the “how’s”.

That’s not bad advice.

Lots of books about improving organizations, institutions and even your personal life focus on systems, habits and techniques. Leadership tips. Calendar tricks. Life hacks. “How’s.” Such books are helpful.

But we should never forget that whatever we are involved in, family, work, church, school, sports, people are involved. Or better, the involvement of other people is key to our family, work, church, school, sports. So if we focus on the “who’s” in our life by cultivating relationships, sharing encouragement, involving others in discussion, building friendships, we will end up getting more done and better.

Actually, the book and its title remind me of another book and title that are about the same (the title says it all or at least enough): Better Together.

So that’s all in this post. Short and sweet… like a good book…or an effective sermon…

What might be more significant in your life right now is who you have around you and not so much how you are doing things.

2 thoughts on “Short and Sweet

    • Author gravatar

      Very much appreciated post. I am very thankful for my family (the main “Who”) and my close friends who often change throughout life. When a great friend comes along, I find it very valuable to keep up the relationship, do my part, and check in periodically even when life puts miles or time between us.

      As moms and dads used to say, “A few bad apples spoils the bunch”

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