Power Broker

 Jesus criticized the Sadducees saying, “You are deceived because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.” (Matthew 22:29) While there continues, rightly, to be emphasis on Christians reading, studying, learning the Scriptures, what do we know about the power of God? What should we consider when we think about God’s power? When did you last contemplate […]

A Balancing Act

Jesus’ statement to Peter has been banging around my mind this week, “You do not have in mind the things of God but the things of man.” Ouch. Or, touché? What things do we have in mind? Are they God’s or Man’s? Are they God’s or THIS man’s? Carl Trueman has written both The Rise and Triumph of the Modern […]

The Fall

I do not mean what Adam and Eve did and what that has done to us. I mean the fall, autumn. It is crazy. If you think about it. Why in the world do the leaves do that? The colors. The variation. We can determine how. Because of changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature, chlorophyll breaks […]

Short and Sweet

Are you a fan of long books? I am part of a reading group that has met for many years. When my one friend has a turn to pick, the next selection is sure to be a long one. I bet he has read The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; I never even tried. Often […]