The Same Thing
They are called transliterations. They are words from another language that come into English by just changing the letters from the foreign word into English. Take words like mystery, Philadelphia, phobia, narcissism, and fame. For instance, how would you say “fame” in Greek? Well, pretty much you would say fame. We have just changed the Greek letters into English and there you go.
Happens with Latin and other languages as well. For that matter it goes the other way too. How do you say “Coke” in about any other language? “Coke”.
This week I ran into one of those words a number of times. It is the word “energy”. In Greek it is pronounced pretty much “energy”. We get our English word “energy” by simply changing the Greek letters of the word into English letters. Two little Greek words comprise the word for energy; the first one is a preposition that means something like “in” and the second one is the word for “work”. So energy in Greek is a work that is happening within, which is about what we mean by the word energy in English. Energy is something working or happening within us that enables us to work, to do things, like drag ourselves out of bed and get up and go to work.
Here is the thing specifically. I was reading in Philippians where Paul writes about God working in us (energy) to will (want to) and to do his will. God literally “energizes” us; he himself, the all powerful One, is working within us so that we can do things. (See Philippians 2:13)
Boy, that helps! Not only do we not need to save ourselves for the hereafter, God does that in Christ Jesus, but we also don’t need to live on our own power in the here and now. God through his Holy Spirit present in us energizes us for whatever callings he has for us. What he asks us to do he enables us to do; he himself gives us energy.
How about that? Right now I bet you have lots on your plate: responsibilities, deadlines, tasks, projects. It’s our way of life; it’s our calling in life as human creatures, “Rule over the earth and subdue it.” Keep in mind as a Christ follower you also have the power of Almighty God by the presence of the Holy Spirit within you to work, enable and empower you to get done what needs to be done.*
Take comfort in that this week. God’s presence is your energy. What the New Testament Christians relied on is the same for you. This truth is true no matter how you spell it.
Of course, watching your diet and exercise isn’t bad for energy either.
*God also gives us rest. Read Psalm 121 and Psalm 127.
2 thoughts on “The Same Thing”
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It seems the older you get that it takes more energy to make more energy. That was my motivation to start my walking program again.
Powered by the Holy Spirit. Walk on!