Thinking This Week
We hear more and more people calling for justice. Certainly, I am all for justice. So is God! After all that’s why he sent Jesus.
But what if we focused on grace instead? What if YOU focused on grace instead?
Jesus did so above all things.
This wouldn’t hurt either.
Concentrate on WE instead of ME. This is a simple, simple concept. And powerful. And difficult as all get out!
This would help our nation. It would also help your family and every other relationship you have.
For more information see Philippians 2.
This week marked the National Day of Prayer. The Holy Spirit through Paul (I Timothy 2:1) calls us to pray for our leaders.
Never once does Scripture invite us to bellyache about them.
A number of years back we had a rash of members having knee surgery. Maybe it was because we had just had an emphasis on prayer?
Keep in mind that the Church’s best posture is on her knees.
We are not to put our trust in princes or kings. Neither are we to bellyache about them.
We are to pray for them.
Do you struggle in your witness about Jesus? Quit trying to prove to other people that Jesus really is the Lord of the Universe.
Instead seek to show them that he is the Lord of YOUR universe. What would your life look like if Jesus really was YOUR King of kings and Lord of lords?
Bet that would make it more likely that people would ask you about the hope you have. (I Peter 3:15)
This week my sermon will accent God’s call to engage our brains. To live by faith does not mean disengaging our brains. Following science (rightly understood) or following Christianity is a false dichotomy.
We do not pit thinking against believing. In fact, just the opposite is the case. Believers are to love the Lord with all our mind. (Luke 10:26)
Bumper sticker I’d like to see. “Come to my church and bring your brain.”