Short and Sweet

Are you a fan of long books? I am part of a reading group that has met for many years. When my one friend has a turn to pick, the next selection is sure to be a long one. I bet he has read The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; I never even tried. Often […]

The Same Thing

They are called transliterations. They are words from another language that come into English by just changing the letters from the foreign word into English. Take words like mystery, Philadelphia, phobia, narcissism, and fame. For instance, how would you say “fame” in Greek? Well, pretty much you would say fame. We have just changed the Greek letters into English and […]

Better Distinction?

Conservative. Liberal. Progressive. How would you label yourself?  How would you name yourself? What do you mean by the distinction? How much does that distinction shape your view of the world and your place in it? We Christians might be better served to avoid them all. What if we thought of ourselves differently. What about “reconciliationist”? Our place in the […]

Finer Filtering

Do you have trouble understanding the positions other people take? Do you find it difficult to see the reasoning behind decisions they make? Of special difficulty is the realm of moral decision making. What are people thinking?!?! Better, how are they thinking? It has to do with the filters that people use. In The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are […]

New to Me

You may know these words and the distinction between them. I did not. But both the words and the distinction between them are significant. The words are “telic” and “atelic”. Oliver Burkeman describes them as used by philosopher Kieran Setiya. “Telic” has to do with something that has a particular purpose or end (telos). “Atelic” has to do with something […]

For Your List of “Things to Do”

Lists are a good thing. Lists aren’t just a Santa thing, who checks them twice; they are a God thing. Consider the lists God gives us. The 10 Commandments stand as the most famous list from God. A close second would be the list of amazing acts he accomplished in just the first Six Days. His Spirit guided writers to […]

Families Matter

This past week I was able to spend time with some cousins and my siblings. We reminisced about aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, and caught up on other cousins and their children. Earlier this summer I did the same with other cousins. Families matter. This summer we have carved out some very intentional time to be with our children […]

A Digital World

Joe Walsh of James Gang fame (before he was with The Eagles) recorded a song (after he was with The Eagles) about being “an analog guy in a digital world”. Is the world digital or is it analog? There is much in this world that is analog. Colors, as they change along a spectrum of pea green to forest green, […]

Better Than February

Summer is for more than recreation. It is for re-creation. Even as the ground and the nests teem with new fruitfulness, so summer can be a time for us to be “re-created”, renewed, revitalized—a new fruitfulness. Summer is much better than the winter months for such things. In January we make our resolutions for new lives and then struggle through […]

Manna J.I.T.

God is a lot of things. He is not in a hurry. Why should he be? He works from a position outside of our 9 to 5 (or is it 8 to 6?) world. He doesn’t need to be in a hurry; he has eternity in his hand. That same God promises to provide for his people. And he does. […]