Significant This Week: Thoughts to Think On

GONNA GET TO SEE THEM This past week a number of my friends gushed excitedly about family members who, because of the rising numbers of vaccinations, they were finally going to be able to see. “We haven’t seen so and so for 12 months!” Here’s the interesting part. They were finally “going to see” family members they had regularly seen […]

Significant This Week: Assorted Thoughts for Thinking

GOD GENE? In any number of publications, you will find articles about a so called “god gene.”  Scientists think they are finding evidence that there is a genetic predisposition toward being “religious.”  What do you think about that?  Is there a “religious gene” because religiousness at some point was advantageous for the human race?  Is it from a mutation?  Is […]

Following the Science: A Bible Study

…of sorts… This past week I finished reading (listening to) Adam Grant’s book Give and Take.  It’s not a new book, but it was new to me. The subtitle is Why Helping Others Drives Our Success. Grant begins with a very compelling discussion about who is most likely to succeed in life:  givers, takers or matchers.  There is a great […]

Yes, It Was

I heard it twice this week.  Once from “the left.”  Once from “the right.”  Both on news shows.* “No pun intended.” Here is what is odd.  For both of them the pun was intended.  It was scripted, crafted, prepared, maybe even tele-prompted.  If that is not intended, what is? It was a blatant falsehood—from both sides, both of which claim […]

The Mystery of the Modest Spirit

Our congregation has begun a year long emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit. Many Christians confess to being perplexed by the work of the Holy Spirit.  They say they understand the idea of God the Father and God the Son, but the idea of God the Holy Spirit mystifies. That problem may be more about modesty than mystery. […]

My Nomination

Earlier this week in an online post I mentioned Lake Superior State University’s annual list of words and phrases that should be Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-use, Over-use and General Uselessness. I’d like to be the first to nominate the word/phrase following the science. This phrase is meaningless at best and idolatrous at worst. When people use this […]

A Good Sign

I have been walking a lot this summer. A lot. In a subsequent post I may reflect on the what and the why of it. But not today. During my walks, I have seen a lot of yard signs. A lot. One in particular seems most significant. I saw signs thanking health care workers and first responders. There were signs […]

For Yourself

One of the things I say to the people in my congregation is, “I can’t read your Bible for you. You should read it for yourself.” In our congregation we have a very heavy accent on personal Bible reading. By God’s grace it has captured the imagination.. and effort… of many. The Bible is a primary source. You should read […]

A New Lesson

We have bought a number of homes during our marriage. My Mom and Dad started with a starter home, and then they bought only one more home that they owned until they died. They never moved again. As a kid I had always thought it would be cool to live in different houses. And now we have. With each house […]

Robust is Good

Robust is a good word, a positive word. A robust cup of coffee in the morning. A robust glass of dark beer in the evening. Even a game of croquet sounds better when it is robust. Robust is a good word, a positive word. A robust local Christian congregation. Strong. Vigorous. Sturdy. Full bodied. Yes, full bodied. Good for coffee. […]